IKS Photovoltaik GmbH
Postal Address
Postfach 42 01 21
34070 Kassel, Germany
House Address
An der Kurhessenhalle 16B
34134 Kassel, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 561 / 9 53 80 50
Fax +49 (0) 561 / 9 53 80 51
E-mail: info@ iks-photovoltaik.de
Website: www.iks-photovoltaik.de
Managing Director
Michael Schröder
Trade Register Number: 14722
Tax No. : DE 263 690 764
Authorised Managing Director:
Michael Schröder
Electrical engineering company entered in the Register of Craftsmen, Company No. 47896 (Kassel Chamber of Commerce, D)
Responsible for content in accordance with § 55 Para. 2 MDStV
Michael Schröder
An der Kurhessenhalle 16B
34134 Kassel
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Note on External Links
In the verdict of 12th May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for Links", the Hamburg District Court (DC) decided that one shares responsibility for the content of linked sites by placing a link. According to the DC, this can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from this content. We hereby explicitly distance ourselves from all content of all sites linked to our homepage and do not adopt these as our own. This declaration applies to all links placed on this homepage.
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The information on this website is to be regarded as mere statements without implicit guarantees of any kind. The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. No guarantee can be made, however, that all statements are complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all connections ("links") to other websites, which may be linked to directly or indirectly. All statements can be supplemented, removed or changed without prior notice. Neither are we responsible for carrying out precautionary measures against destructive programmes or parts of programmes such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses etc. that are present on web servers that are possibly reached through links from our website.
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