Engagement in Education
IKS Photovoltaik and Renewables Academy are deepening their cooperation
Renewables Academy (RENAC) and IKS Photovoltaik have further developed their cooperation in order to focus the training and further education for Renewable Energies. As a result of this cooperation, not only training systems can be offered worldwide, but also seminars and concepts for building up own training institutions.
Schools in Austria discovering the renewable energy
To wake up the enthusiasm for the future supply of energy and professions in the industry of renewable energies is the aim of the company Energietechnik Kaplaner. Die company located in Austria resells IKS Photovoltaik training systems for more than 15 years. Every year at the day of the sun the company organizes large school events. In addition, interested schools in Austria have the opportunity to borrow the different training systems free of charge.
Big competition at the trade fair Intersolar 2012
IKS Photovoltaik and Renewables Academy (RENAC) have initiated a big competition on the subject of “Estimate the Energy-Balls” on occasion of the trade fair Intersolar 2012. Now the winners are selected. Georgios Kefalas, working for Perseus electronics in Larissa (Greece) won a Solartrainer junior and Prof. Aynur Eray of Hacettepe University in Ankara (Turkey) is pleased about a scholarship for an online training.
“With IKS Photovoltaik on a Sunny Journey”
Solar energy for discovery, amaze and understand can be experience in many schools in this year. Because of the “Science Year – Project Earth Our Future 2012”, IKS Photovoltaik has initiated the campaign “With IKS Photovoltaik on a Sunny Journey”. Each week a school borrows the training system Solartrainer junior for free. The „journey“ kicked off in Bramsche at the “German Day of Action for Sustainability”. Michael Schröder (CEO of IKS Photovoltaik GmbH) handed the training system personally to Klaus-Jürgen Bock and Christian Hohaus of Greselius-Gymnasium.
“Solar Energy in the Classroom”
„Solar Energy in the Classroom“ is the motto of the national school campaign of IKS Photovoltaik at the week of the sun. In the context of the campaign, many training systems, training materials and vouchers on the subject of “Photovoltaik” were raffled. The award ceremony was held in the secondary school in Königslutter.
Experimenting with Solar Energy
The timetable of the 7th class of the secondary school Königslutter included “Experimenting with Solar Energy”. The ambassador for solar energy education at the week of the sun and CEO Holger Kunsch taught this class one morning during the week of the sun 2012. Naturally he brought many training systems Solartrainer junior.
PV read-our-system VisiKid is supported
Also in 2012 German schools, universities and churches can apply for financial support by German Federal Office for Economy and Export Control (BAFA). The photovoltaic read-out-system VisiKid is supported of up to 2,400 Euro. Detailed information about the read-out-system and the BAFA-subsidies are available at IKS Photovoltaik.
Experimenting with Wind Energy at the University of Kassel
The university of Kassel was experimenting with wind energy. IKS Photovoltaik provided the teaching and experimenting systems Windtrainer junior for the faculty “Didactics of Physics” for one semester. The system has been tested for didactic quality.
Girls Day 2012 at IKS Photovoltaik
Julia Demming and Antonia Fegelein got some exciting insights into the world of Renewable Energies at the company IKS Photovoltaik. On the occasion of the girl’s future day “Girls Day 2012”, IKS Photovoltaik has invited the girls to look behind the scenes of production of teaching materials.
Week of the Sun 2011
„Experimenting with Solar Energy” “is the motto of the national school campaign of IKS Photovoltaik at the week of the sun 2011. In the context of the campaign, many training systems and training materials on the subject of “Photovoltaic” were raffled. The grand price - the teaching and experimenting systems Solartrainer junior - was won by the vocational college Bad Dürkheim. The price was awarded by the ambassadors for solar energy Sonja Lenz and Erhard Renz.