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Solartrainer profi

The modular training system is used in vocational training.

Solartrainer profi

Solartrainer profi

The modular training system is used in vocational training.

„We have already been using the IKS systems successfully in our global training programmes for years.“

Berthold Breid
CEO, Renewables Academy AG, Berlin


ST 01 Solar Module Connection Indoor

For connecting the solar module of "ST 14 module stand" to the socket on the front. The two front sockets of the schematically shown solar module can be connected to a variable load (e.g. ST 20 RW). External measuring of voltage and current is possible.


ST 02 Solar Module Simulated

Solar module simulator of the exact simulation of a solar module. Short circuit current can be adjusted in steps of variably. Parallel and series connection possible.
Switchable bypass diode. Mains connection 230 V / 50-60 Hz. Open circuit voltage 23.1 V, short circuit current 0 - 1,5 A, rated power 24 Wp.


ST 03 Generator Terminal Box

For the parallel connection of 4 solar modules/simulators each via one diode onto one output. Overvoltage protection without function.
Max. current per input 24 V / 3A.


ST 04 Solar Charge Controller

For monitoring of the state of charge state of the battery. Controls the loading process and the connection and disconnection of loads (low voltage disconnection). Operation status on LCD display. Rated voltage 12 V / max 8 A.


ST 05 O / ST 05 D Inverter Grid Connection

Transforms direct current into sinusoidal alternating current, single-phase feed-in, line-commutated. Input 28 - 50 V DC, MPP-tracking. AC power approx. 110 W.

Available versions:
230 V / 50 Hz
230 V / 60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 06 R Inverter Island Grid

Transforms direct current into rectangular alternating current for operation of an island grid system.
Input 12 V DC / 8 A, output 230 V / 50 Hz. AC power approx. 100 W.


ST 06 S Inverter Island Grid

Transforms direct current into sinusoidal alternating current for operation of an island grid system.
Input 12 V DC / 8 A.
AC power approx. 100 W.
Available versions:
230 V / 50 Hz
230 V / 60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 07 AC Load Connection

For connection to the mains (via "ST 13 Mains connection") or to an inverter island grid ("ST 06 R / ST 06 S") and operation of alternating current loads of max. 450 W.
Available versions:
230 V / 50-60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 08 DC Load Connection

For connection to "ST 04 solar charge controller" and operation of direct current loads 12 V / max. 8 A.




ST 09 Battery Connection

For the connection of "ST 21 solar battery" to "ST 04 charge controller".


ST 10 Electric Meter

Single-phase electronic AC meter for measuring of the generated solar energy.
Display of current power, kWh, measurement duration, inputting of tariff possible.
Available versions:
230 V / 50 Hz
230 V / 60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 11 Input / Supply Meter

Single-phase electronic AC meters for measuring of the solar energy fed into the grid and for measuring of the energy drawn from the grid.
Display same as ST 10.
Available versions:
230 V / 50 Hz
230 V / 60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 12 Automatic Insulation Unit

For monitoring single-phase power feeding systems. It prevents uncontrolled island effects following failure or shutdown of the public electricity supply.
Operating voltage 230 V / 50 Hz.


ST 13 Mains Connection

Three-phase AC connection for connection of the public grid via a 5-pole CEE - coupling 16 A to the training system.
Adapter cable for single-phase available.


ST 14 Module Stand

For the illumination of a 10 W solar module by means of a 400 W dimmable halogen spotlight. The inclination of the solar module and the height and distance of the spotlight to the solar module are adjustable. The inclination of the spotlight can also be altered by fine adjustment. The solar module can be swung to simulate the sun's path during the day.
Power supply 230 V / 50-60 Hz


ST 15 Solar Module Connection Outdoor

For connection of the module "ST 22 Solar Module Outdoor" or similar to the socket on the front. The solar module is connected to the two front sockets of the schematically shown solar module.


ST 16 Diode Series Connection

To perform the basic experiments "Characteristic curve of a diode" and "Characteristic curve of a diode series connection".
Power supply external 24 V DC by "ST 27 Power Supply".


ST 17 Shunt

For measuring current up to 1.5 A as voltage drop at the shunt resistance.
E.g. for measurements in grid parallel operation circuits using an oscilloscope.


ST 18 Set of Safety Test Leads

Highly flexible safety-test leads with 4 mm plugs. Contacts gold-plated brass/hard copper, inclusive wall bracket with 21 holding fingers.


ST 19 Set of Safety Test Leads with movable laboratory stand

Highly flexible safety-test leads with 4 mm plugs. Contacts gold-plated brass/hard cooper, inclusive movable laboratory stand with 2 brackets supplied with total 42 holding fingers.
Lockable wheels, height 1.45 m.


ST 20 AC AC Load

Panel 1
60 W bulb.
Standard plug socket with switch.
Available versions:
230 V / 50-60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 20 AC AC Load

Panel 2
60 W bulb.
Standard plug socket with switch.
Available versions:
230 V / 50-60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz


ST 20 AC AC Load

Panel 3
9 W Energy-saving lamp.
Standard plug socket with switch.
Available versions:
230 V / 50-60 Hz
115 V / 60 Hz (15 W)


ST 20 DC DC Load

Panel 4
50 W halogen lamp with switch, 12 V.


ST 20 RW Set of electrical loads

Four variable resistors:
15 Ohm / 5,5 A
170 Ohm / 1,7 A
325 Ohm / 1,2 A
15,8 K.Ohm / 0,17 A


ST 21 Solar Battery

Closed lead-gel battery especially for storing solar energy. Connected via "ST 09 battery connection" to "ST 04 solar charge controller" for operation of an island grid with storage.
12 V / 27 Ah C100


ST 22 Solar Module Outdoor

Solar module for outdoor experiments. Angle of inclination adjustable, can be read off on a large degree scale.
Power 55 Wp.
Operation with "ST 15 Solar module outdoor".


ST 23 DC Meter

Electronic DC meter for measuring direct current loads.
Using in load cricuits. Display of current power, Wh, reset button.


ST 24 Set Multimeter

Particulary robust.
Automatic range selection, large display.
DC / AC max. 1000 V, max. 10 A.


ST 27 Power Supply

For the power supply of "ST 16 diode series connection".
Control range 0 - 30 V DC / 0-2 A.
Power supply:
115 - 230 V / 50-60 Hz


ST 28 Solar Module monocrystalline

Alternatively additional solar module for "ST 14 module frame".
Quick change holder.
Power: about 10 W.


ST 28 Solar Module polycrystalline

Alternatively additional solar module for "ST 14 module frame".
Quick change holder.
Power: about 10 W.


ST 28 Solar Module amorphous

Alternatively additional solar module for "ST 14 module frame".
Quick change holder.
Power: about 5 W.


ST 30 Fuse Box

Fuse box with 4-pole FI-circuit breaker, CEE plug and 1.5 m feed cable with CEE plug.
400 V / 50 Hz.


ST 95 Transformer

For the adaption of ST 02 and ST 14 in 115 V-grids. Inclusive outlet strip 230 V.
Transformer 115 V AC to 230 V AC / 500 W.


ST 96 Laboratory Table

Laboratory table, lockable wheels. Serves as a support for "ST 99 take-up frame", incl. fastening screws.
Tabletop 1.25 x 0.62
Heigh 0.74 m


ST 97 Basic Photovoltaic Laboratory

Detailed experimental instuctions on 12 themes, with solutions. Available in


ST 98 Instuction Manual

Instructions for all components. Available in


ST 99 - 10 Holding Frame

Take-up frame for 15 instruction panels.


ST 99 - 15 Holding Frame

Take - up frame for 15 instruction panels.