Solartrainer profi
The modular training system is used in vocational training.

Solartrainer profi
The modular training system is used in vocational training.

The system consists of individual wall charts with components for the different trial arrangements.
The wall-charts are hung in holding frames and wired as required. The design of the system allows trials indoors and outdoors.
For the indoor trials, a module frame and a solar module are used, among other things. With illumination from a dimmable spotlight, attached to an arm that can be moved both horizontally and vertically, seasonal diurnal cycles can be simulated without any problems. The adjustment of the angle of inclination of the module, the influence of irradiation and temperature are additional options.
For the reproducibility of measurements and in order to be independent of the time of day and the weather, a module simulator has been developed. This precisely simulates the function of a PV module. The short-circuit current is adjustable. Particular importance has been attached to making sure that high-quality components and materials are used, like the fitter will use when building the plants.
What the trainee or pupil can learn for himself at laboratory scale, in an absolutely practice-oriented way, can be transferred without problems to real, high-output systems.
The modular design of the teaching system allows the selection of the components for the different training aims. Expansion and the integration of new technology are always possible, guaranteeing a teaching system that is always at the state of the art. Experimental instructions, experimental solutions and a manual are included. These save time when producing one’s own range of training and/or allow orientation towards a standard training.