Energie Check junior
Hot on the trail of energy guzzlers: the measuring device case offers the ideal equipment for projects in schools.

Energie Check junior
Hot on the trail of energy guzzlers: the measuring device case offers the ideal equipment for projects in schools.

1 Lux meter digital
Effective range 0 - 50,000 Lux, value-holdfunction, sensor external with spiral cable. Metering precision +/- 5 % + 2 digits

1 Precision digital thermometer
External sensor for measuring of surface, water and air temperatures
Effective range -199.9 ...+199.9 C°, Resolution 0.1° C
Precision 0...100° C: 0.1°C +/- 1 digit

2 Energy cost meters digital
Measuring of energy, power (Effective power), voltage, measuring duration, duty cycle, costs, min. / max. values, cost prognosis and more features

1 Flow rate meter
Effective range 1 to 25 l/min, actual value can be read off directly on the scale

2 Temperature humidity meters digital
Effective range temperature: 0 .. + 59.9° C,
Metering precision +/- 0.5 °C
Effective range relative air humidity: 1 .. 99 %
Metering precision +/- 3 %
Time (DCF-77 signal)
Min.-/ Max.- values
Preset of alarm values possible
Average values
Dew point temperature
Big digital-LCD-display,
Data logger, up to 3,000 values, memory, time interval selectable
RS 232-interface
Foot to put up
2 Interface cables
1 Software to read out,
data export and processing with other software possible

2 Indoor-/ outdoor temperature meters digital
External sensor for measuring the outdoor temperature,
Cable length 3 m
Effective range indoor temp. - 10 ...+ 60° C
Effective range outdoor temp. - 50 ...+ 70° C
Min- / Max. - values
Big digital-LCD-display

2 Indoor temperature meters analog
Effective range - 35 ...+ 50° C
Min- / Max. - values, reset

Instructions/solutions/professional informations