A system with double benefit
The PV training system Solartrainer Profi for vocational education and training was expanded with an innovative Photovoltaic measurement equipment.
The background: Today PV plants are working very reliable. Nevertheless they often generate only a part of the maximum possible power. The causes are multible and it is not rare that they can be traced back before the period of the actual installation. Because even on the way to the installation site micro cracks can arise because of incorrect storage or as a result of incautious transport. The micro cracks cannot be seen with the naked eye, however the consequences have far reaching implications: If water has penetrated or soldered bonds were interrupted the efficiency of solar modules can be noticeable reduced. The financial losses for private operators as well as investors in large solar systems may be substancial. In practice the possibility of monitoring the characteristic curves of single solar modules, strings and the test of complete photovoltaic installations becomes more and more important.
However, this also means that this subject has to be an integral part of the vocational education and training in the field of photovoltaic. A development, that was taken up with our latest product innovation. The well-known PV trainingsystem Solartrainer Profi was expanded with an measurement equipment, consisting of an innovative multifunction instrument, remote dataloggger with radio transmission, transducer clamps and an ISET Sensor irradiation sensor with dimmable halogen spot for setting of irradiation calues, as well as practice-oriented didactic materials.
The particular feature: The newly into the PV training system integrated Photocoltaic measurement equipment can be used afterwards for measurements and tests at real photovoltaic installations. A system with double benefit. Because as always before we have focused on a high practical relevance when selecting the components.